Advanced Environmental Technologies (AET) has extensive experience with active environmental remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water contamination. Should the findings of your property's environmental site assessment conclude that cleanup is necessary, AET is your trusted partner for comprehensive remediation services. We pride ourselves on fostering collaborative relationships with property owners, regulatory authorities, and subcontractors, ensuring seamless coordination to meet cleanup objectives within predefined budgets. AET recognizes the paramount importance of minimizing disruptions to ongoing site business and development activities during all remediation projects. Your environmental remediation needs are in capable hands with AET.

AET utilizes a variety of both in-situ and ex-situ environmental remediation services including short-term and fixed based remediation solutions. Depending on the contaminants of concern, site conditions, lithology, and impacted environmental media, AET will develop a site specific resolution to every remediation project. Our engineers and geologists collaborate to design the most cost-effective remedial process to take our clients to regulatory closure as well as restoring the property to its full potential.
Throughout the years we have utilized many remedial processes, including physical, biological and chemical solutions.
Remedial methods we have utilized include:
Air Sparging (AS)
Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE)
Multi-Phase Extraction (MPE)
Dual-Phase Extraction (DPE)
Groundwater Pump & Treat Systems
In-Situ Chemical Injection
Natural Attenuation Monitoring
Source Removal
We also have the expertise to conduct thorough evaluations and assessments of existing on-site remedial systems. If you need or suspect the need for remedial activities on your property, contact us today. You can trust AET to provide the highest-quality, economical remediation services.
Our Remediation Services Include